Privacy Policy

We take privacy very seriously. At, we do not bother the User (anyone who uses our services) with email signup or other requests for personal data. We host advertising to help pay for costs. In general, we do not collect or store personal data. Personal data is never required to use our free services. Personal data will be required by our payment processor, and an email address will be required to receive a code for paid services. is a property of Pinpoint Management, LLC located in Fulton Missouri, USA.

How we collect data

We do not collect personal data for use of the free services. The IP address of each User is retained in our hosting logs, but is not associated with personally identifiable information. Additional data may be stored by advertisers, outside the control of If you pay for services, or if you contact us directly via email, phone, fax, or mail, we will retain your contact information and other information as provided, in our office files and on our office computer systems. None of this information will be stored on the website host or in the website database. Your personally identifiable information will not be connected with your use of the services within our database.

How we use data

The minimal non-identifying, non-personal hosting data that we collect is used for security and analytics. Data that Users provide of their own accord, via payment processing, email, phone, fax, or mail, will be used for the purpose which the User initiated, and for follow-up contact including potential marketing contact.

How we disclose data

Outside and our payment processor, no other parties have access to the data provided by the User. We do not sell or transfer User data.

How we store data

Website data is stored in a secure MySQL database. Customer data that is sent voluntarily by email, phone, fax, or mail, is stored following standard and customary office procedures. Data is retained for as long as it is relevant to business operations. Our payment processor may have their own storage procedures, which we have no control over.

User Rights

Users have the right to request any and all identifiable data that we store, which would only include data that they have sent to us directly of their own accord. Users have the right to be forgotten, which means that any and all identifiable data that we store may be destroyed at the User's request. Users have the right to object to the use of their identifiable data. To exercise these rights, the User may contact at any time via the method outlined on the online contact page.

How to file a complaint

Users have the right to register a complaint directly with, or with our payment provider, hosting provider, or registrar.

Changes of privacy policy

We retain the right to modify this policy as needed. A copy of the most recent policy will be posted on for easy access.


Users may contact us at any time via method outlined on the online contact page.